So you are looking around at a household full of possessions that you need to clear out and you might be wondering how do you begin. An Estate Sale offers the opportunity to swiftly find new homes for your unwanted possessions and potentially earn you a nice profit.
Here is the TOP TEN LIST of sellers at Estate Sales. Look around the house you are downsizing and see if any of these items abound. If so you are off to a great Estate Sale start.
Unloading, on your own, no longer wanted cars, boats, trailers & motorcycles can be challenging. However, if your home has any of these items they sell quite nicely at Estate Sales. These types of goods can serve many purposes for thrifty shoppers, DYI folks and people who like to fix things up. During your free Estate Sale evaluation we will determine if an Estate Sale is the optimal place to sell your vehicles.
Jewelry comes in all shapes, sizes, and values. It can be hard to know how much the jewelry you have in your possession is worth because jewelry boxes are often filled with pieces from unknown origins. Your inherited or collected jewelry may be made of valuable gold, silver and gems which can carry quite a profit at an estate sale. To find out more visit Selling Your Jewelry.
Sterling silver is not quite as valuable as pure silver but it still has plenty of value and there is a good chance your collection of household goods contains sterling silver. Jewelry, cutlery, utensils, serving platters, bowls, pitchers and ‘flatware’ are all objects that are often made of sterling silver. We can help you determine if you have sterling silver that would be a beneficial draw for your Estate Sale.
The coin jar you have in your possession may contain valuable change. Some coins are worth $10 to $50 while others, although rarer, can be worth thousands. Your free estate sale evaluation can help you determine just what’s in your coin collection and what coins can make a profit at your estate sale.
The value of military goods that you may have in your closet can vary drastically. There is an abundance of Military paraphernalia in world and a good chance that your household has some military items. Military items with a strong or unique historical connection can be worth big bucks. The majority of military items, however, are often purchased for their sentimental value and make for top sellers at Estate Sales. We can help you discover more about your military items.
Vintage Jewelry is fashion! Vintage jewelry is trendy and plenty of estate sale shoppers are on a quest to find those unique vintage pieces that add originality to their style. So that old jewelry milling about in your treasure chest has a very good chance of finding a perfect home at your Estate Sale. Contact us for a free evaluation.
Is that hand me down fresco with a smudged signature, you have in your possession, a million dollar work of art? Maybe, but it would be a rare lucky moment to come upon a million dollar art find in your treasure trove. However, the encouraging news is fine art at Estate Sales is popular even without a Sotherby’s price tag. Many Estate Sale shoppers are on the hunt for unique works of fine art that appeal to their individual aesthetic. Estate Sales with artful inventory draw crowds.
In the age of “Do It Yourself” tools are very valuable commodity. Tools can be very expensive when purchased retail. Savvy DIY folks, who don’t want to spend full retail, look for the tools they need resale. The competition for slightly worn tools and cost a little less than their retail value can be fierce. So hold on to your power tools, hand tools, and crafting tools because they are top sellers at Estate Sales.
Weapons are popular items at Estate Sales. Not all weapons, however can be resold. Firearms for example come with their own set of rules that vary state to state. However, items like swords and knives are top sellers that attract shoppers to an Estate Sale. Our free Estate Sale evaluation will determine what weapons can be sold. We can also provide you with information on what to do with weapons that cannot be sold at an Estate Sale.
A collectable, generally, is an item that can be resold for much more then it was originally purchased. Many times we find that people are in possession of such items and that don’t even know it. Typical item thatn can be collectables are lunchboxes, toys, old typewriters, original video games, comic books and stamps.